EP 034: Q&A: Investing in REITs
Join Grant and I in this episode as we dive deep into the fundamentals of REITS so you can learn more about its different shapes and sizes.

EP 033: Obsession to Be Right within the Next 12 Months
Grant and I are breaking down the obsession to hit a home run over the next 12 months when in reality, property is a long-term game.

EP 032: Getting Your Partner Onboard for Investing
Grant and I talk about our experiences with getting our respective partners on board with investing. Tune in to this episode now!

EP 031: Our Latest Property Investment Updates
Join Grant and I as we dive into our latest property investment updates, as well as the new acquisitions that I’ve been busy making!

EP 030: Debt Recycling with Aaron Whybrow
In this week’s episode, Grant and I unlock the secrets behind debt recycling as we speak with our resident mortgage broker, Aaron Whybrow.

EP 029: June 2023 Property Round-Up with Goose McGrath
In this week’s podcast episode, Grant and I are joined by Goose McGrath as we dive into what’s happening in the Australian property market.