EP 022: Inflation Has Changed the Game
In this week’s podcast episode, Grant and I will be talking more about this and breaking down everything that has to do with inflation!

EP 021: How to play the forever game of borrowing with Aaron Whybrow
In this week’s podcast episode, Grant and I will be breaking down how to play the bank’s game to ensure you can continue borrowing.

EP 020: April 2023 Property Round-Up
In this week’s episode, Grant and I are breaking down what exactly the April 2023 property market statistics mean for property investors.

EP 019: Q&A: Interstate PM Concerns, Starting Out Property Investing & More…
In this week’s podcast episode, Grant and I are answering all of your recent Q&A submissions so that we can help you in property investing!

EP 018: Q&A: When to extract equity, handling rate rises & more…
In this week’s podcast episode, Grant and I will be discussing rate rises, engaging buyer’s agents, and more…

EP 017: Unexpected Challenges of Being a Property Investor (Part 2)
In this week’s podcast episode, we’ll be breaking down the unexpected challenges involved in property investing, so that you don’t have to learn the hard way!